Sunday, February 9, 2014

Soul Mates and Best friends......Is it possible??

Who is your best friend?  What does this person mean to you?  How did you meet?  How much time do you spend this this person?  What is your favorite thing to do with this person?

My Best Friend and Soul Mate

Well these are all questions that have come into conversation with my husband and I this weekend.  We are realizing that we might not be the "Normal" people in this world.  Dan and I often hear about a fight that they had with their spouse and how they are not speaking.  We have also heard about couples that enjoy more time with their groups of friends and not with their spouse.  So this has raised questions and conversations in our home.  Are we weird because we would rather be with each other all the time?

Here is a little about our journey as best friends......
Dan and I met on Yahoo Personals.  Yeah, we know, it's crazy!  We had to be cautious because young children were involved.  We took it as slow as we could, but we clicked from the moment we spoke on the phone.  We learned that our grandfathers were friends because they were both fire chiefs.  Our families had also crossed paths many times in life, but didn't know.  Dan's sister went to high school with my cousins.   His friend's mom was my high school counselor.

After we realized that we clicked, the kiddos were added into the mix and the fun began.  Our little family became our whole world and we made our family official in 2007.  We have three beautiful children that keep our life so fun and exciting.  The moments that we watch them grow and be happy are what brings us the most joy in life.  We just Love 2B Home with them and wouldn't change a moment of it.

So now the question of why we feel we might not be the "Norm".
As I am posting this, Dan is sitting on the couch typing away as well.  Nothing makes us happier than just "being together".  We do not like to do things apart from each other.  Happiness for us is grocery shopping together, cooking together, folding laundry together, blah blah blah........Take notice that it is all about being together.

So let's hear it!!!!!  Do you enjoy your spouse as much as I enjoy mine?  Do you Love 2B Home with your spouse and your family or do they make you crazy? 

Here is a little survey I put together.Soul Mate Survey

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Making Laundry Soap and saving dough

Have you ever thought about how much you spend of laundry soap?  I have seen so many things on about making you own and so I thought I would give it a whirl.

Here is what you will need:
Borax- One Box
Baking Soda (4lbs)
Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda - One Box (This was tricky to find.  I found it at Kroger)
Biz Stain Release and Laundry Boost (5 lbs box)
2 bars Laundry Washing Soap (Also tricky to find, but Kroger had it)
Gain Fabric freshener for a nice smell (You can pick whatever brand and smell you like.)  

Step One:  Grate the 2 bars of washing soap.  If you use the finest option, then it will make it mix in better. 

Step Two:  Mix all the ingredients together in a large container. 

Step Three: Put it in a container that will work for your laundry room.  I used a nice Tupperware container I had that is for potatoes and onions in the pantry.  It works great!

Step Four:  Wash some laundry!!!!  You will use about 1/4 to 1/3 cup depending on your washer size.  It smells so nice!!!!!!!

Price Breakdown:
Borax $6.00
Baking Soda $2.24
A&H Washing Soda $3.09
Biz $5.97
Washing Soap $2.58
Total: $26.85   

WOW!!!!  This will last us about 6 months, but smaller families can get a year out of it!!!!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Meal Planning fun.....Maybe not tons of fun, but good for your family.

Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping....Where do you shop for the best deals and keeping it healthy for your family?  Today I am working on starting meal planning and sticking to it.  Going out to eat and to the store over and over can get very expensive.  With a growing family like mine, we need to plan our meals and snacks so that we can stick to our budget. 

One of my favorite blogs is Hello Cuteness!  She has free printables to offer that help with meal planning.  They are so stinking cute and fun to look at while planning my meals. 
Printable Grocery List and Meal Planning Calendar can be found here:

Don't forget your large utility totes from Thirty-One to put all your groceries in!  If you shop at Aldi's then you will have to pay for bags if you do not take them along with you.